September 3, 2007

Recovery Round 2

This past Wednesday was David's second surgery. It was a long and difficult day; just fasting a baby is one thing but putting him threw another surgery just one short month is another thing. The surgery itself lasted two & half hours. They had a terrible time trying to get the IV in him...poor lil' guy is all bruised up. The bones at the tip of the fingers were also connected. The first day of recovery was really hard he was out of it and very cranking (wouldn't you be?). Cathy & I both agreed that in just one short month Davey has matured so much. His reactions and general presence was so much different this go round.

Davey now knows how to wave :)

Two days later he was basically back to himself.

Please note if you are squeamish do not click this link, here is a before and after shot of the hand surgery.

Davey loves the bath even if it wrapped up in a garbage bag.

Max starving for attention

We love her!

Lil' Davey in Unkee Jon's Truck

Lil' Davey & Grandma

1 comment:

utah0rbust said...

Aww! I can't believe how big he is! He is so adorable. I've been slackin on your blog because we are so freakin' zombies-ish with lil' Hars. I am glad second surgery went well. Everyone looks great! David is the cutest.

Let's please webchat soon. Whenever the little one is feeling up to it, okay?

Miss you guys!
J, S & H