January 21, 2008

Fun with friends & Go GMEN!

First and foremost congrats to the NY Giants!!! Grandpa Tift came over last night to watch probably one of the best playoff games I have ever seen a true nail-biter till the end. We all were sad to see Brett Farvvvv-ra come up short but the Giants outplayed them and seemed to have the momentum. Now all they need to do is beat those darn PATS. GO GMEN!

On Saturday we visited our friends the Flanagan's in Hatboro, Davey was super-curious and happy to meet lil' Logan.

Logan's thinking why you gotz to be touchin' my stuff man!

Cute Kids

Thanks for a great time Michelle, Sean & Logan...Mini Hot Dogs rule!

Double Trouble - this past week Braden came over...needless to say these days they both are very playful. Cat thought it would be cut to dress them the same...it was cute. They both are lil' snack mongrels...and Max too!

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