May 29, 2008

Breaking News: We are expecting!!!

So last Friday I come home from work to see Davey waiting for me holding a toy in the one hand and a pregnancy stick in the other. I look at Cathy and she gives me a smile and nods and says yes we are. So today we announce that we are having our second child, Cathy is about 5 weeks, the Dr. will see her in about 3 weeks to get a more accurate reading and to predict her due date. Looking like a end of Feb/March Baby tho. We both are very excited and happy, keep everyone posted!

1 comment:

utah0rbust said...

Yipppeeeeeee congratulations!!!! This is great news.. and once again, you can test the waters for us :) heh

I'm so happy for you guys and know that davey will be the coolest big brother! Fun stuff :)