November 8, 2009

The leaves are falling

The Leaf Leap

Sunday was picture perfect Fall weather, David enjoyed jumping into leaves at our visit to The Redline's

FYI - RJ doesn't like leaves

Chris takes Davey for his own personal hay ride

OK Chris move over I can drive this thing

Max does like leaves, snapped this shot of her smiling when I was raking up some leaves at the house. Today was Max's last dosage to help clear up her E Coli. Now onto another test, hope this is over with. But what a pretty old gal.

Look closely (or click to enlarge pic) I was raking when I heard a rumble in the sky; 3 warthogs flew over. Saw them about a month ago as well. Pretty cool!

Happy 53rd Birthday errrr 29th Birthday Pop-Pop Tift

Kids ready to pounce on Cat's Choco cake

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